Friday, February 21, 2020

Spirituality in health care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Spirituality in health care - Essay Example The role of the healthcare provider is one that is not often understood to be related, either directly or tangentially, to spirituality. However, as it is the responsibility of the healthcare provider to reach out to the patient as means of addressing their needs, identifying with them, and providing counsel as needed, the means by which spirituality should be understood and engaged is something that is of great importance. As such, promoting both physical and psychological health is a primary expectation that the healthcare provider has in terms of fulfilling their responsibilities. Oftentimes, this cannot be done without adequately understanding and identifying with the way in which different patients engage with and value spirituality as a very important part of the way that healing and health are understood. As a means of describing and understanding this to a more effective degree, the following analysis will seek to analyze the role that spirituality plays in helping to address the primary tasks that have thus far been defined. Furthermore, the student will provide a specific level of focus as to the way in which belief systems and â€Å"absolutes†, as well as the potential for prosthletization should be discouraged; as they are unhelpful towards representing understanding and/or potential benefits to those that reflect different spiritual paradigms as compared to those that the healthcare practitioner might reflect.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Consultant view of business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Consultant view of business - Essay Example While there are advantages to directly working with employees in their training, say, to achieve better customer service, the practicality and long-term benefits of working with the leadership team could certainly outweigh them. It is helpful to remember that training and development is aimed at improving employees’ skills and abilities. According to Pride, Hughes and Kapoor, training should be a continuing process. (p. 264) The constant employee training could be delegated and localized to their immediate managers because: 1) it is part of their responsibilities; 2) the manager would understand his staff better than Emma who must consider and understand the employees of all her stores; and, 3) managers should take increased responsibility if Emma wants them to be more committed to the company. Dealing with the managers is like involving them in the decision or policy-making process, which could address several factors including the managers’ resentment and frustration of being left out; the opportunity to become a stake holder in the organization, which allows for the cultivation of deeper commitment and loyalty to the organization; and so forth. All in all, Emma had to work hard in order to facilitate and motivate the managers’ commitment and their change and adoption of her vision. She must constantly create and sustain conditions for success of the change she wants or the vision that she wants her people to imbibe. I will definitely advise against the buyout by HIW company. Clearly, Emma likes what she does and she left her previous work in order to setup the business. Emma’s problem is that her company is growing fast and she must work hard to keep pace with it. Here, it is clear that the answer is definitely not HIW – selling her company to it and returning to work for it again. There are many options available to her besides this prospect. She could, for instance, improve and add on her human